Our Services
Our services are designed to work in settings where there is some kind of complex challenge. The likelihood is that this challenge has been around for a while and you have grown resigned to the fact that it will always be there; you assume it cannot change. Then something happens, or something becomes apparent, and the complexity of the challenge has to be faced.
Complexity comes from everywhere and anywhere – inside and outside the organisation; from inside of us – and in our responses to what seems to be outside of us.
We help you to face the fact that the culture and governance of your organisation – the very way you ‘do things round here’ – is often an attempt to manage the symptoms of the neglect of this complexity.
So the way you lead has to change. What you notice, how you think, what you take most account of…there needs to be shift in all of this, all at once. Somehow, you need to make sense of things in a different way than is usual. You need to narrate yourself into the story of the organisation now and in the future.
We help you to immerse yourselves in these challenges, while retaining the capacity to observe and reflect, and consider different ways of organising how you do things.
We help you to do this in many different ways. We work from a studio state of mind: provisional…sketching things out…using all kinds of materials…not being sure where to start…sometimes working quickly…sometimes taking longer…maintaining reflective capacity throughout, and knowing when to finish.
Our services are designed to work in settings where there is some kind of complex challenge. The likelihood is that this challenge has been around for a while and you have grown resigned to the fact that it will always be there; you assume it cannot change. Then something happens, or something becomes apparent, and the complexity of the challenge has to be faced. Complexity comes from everywhere and anywhere – inside and outside the organisation; from inside of us – and in our responses to what seems to be outside of us. We help you to face the fact that the culture and governance of your organisation – the very way you ‘do things round here’ – is often an attempt to manage the symptoms of the neglect of this complexity. So the way you have to lead has to change. What you notice, how you think, what you take most account of…there needs to be shift in all of this, all at once. Somehow, you need to make sense of things in a different way than is usual. You need to narrate yourself into the story of the organisation now and in the future. We help you to immerse yourselves in these challenges, while retaining the capacity to observe and reflect, and consider different ways of organising how you do things. We help you to do this in many different ways. We work from a studio state of mind: provisional…sketching things out…using all kinds of materials…not being sure where to start…sometimes working quickly…sometimes taking longer…maintaining reflective capacity throughout, and knowing when to finish.