Facilitating reflective practice
We have come to realise from experience that successfully facilitating reflective practice involves helping people to learn how to examine their ‘frames’ of reference, on the basis of which they perceive, think, act, engage, agree. This capacity to ‘find the frames’ is crucial in responding to complex, hyper diverse, turbulent situations.
In our experience, facilitating reflective practice is the optimal stance from which to develop organisational capacity for innovation and change. Reflective practices introduce ways of attending to important undercurrents that can restrict or prevent development when unacknowledged, but once explored can offer valuable information about the best way forward. Facilitating reflective practice also
• mitigates risk
• provides another perspective, through which blind spots can be illuminated
• can help to promote triple loop learning
• can support immersive learning
• employs observation as part of routine team and system working
• provides a surprisingly efficient way of re-designing work in complex settings
We lead Masters level observation seminars for health and social care professionals in order to develop their practice through better understanding of unconscious dynamics in their work setting.
Clients for facilitating reflective practice include: Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust, The Health Foundation, NHSIQ, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, North Bristol NHS Trust, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, North East Transformation System, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Airedale NHS Foundation Trust, General Motors (South America), Mandalah Global.
We have come to realise from experience that successfully facilitating reflective practice involves helping people to learn how to examine their ‘frames’ of reference, on the basis of which they perceive, think, act, engage, agree. This capacity to ‘find the frames’ is crucial in responding to complex, hyper diverse, turbulent situations.
In our experience, facilitating reflective practice is the optimal stance from which to develop organisational capacity for innovation and change. Reflective practices introduce ways of attending to important undercurrents that can restrict or prevent development when unacknowledged, but once explored can offer valuable information about the best way forward. Facilitating reflective practice also
• mitigates risk
• provides another perspective, through which blind spots can be illuminated
• can help to promote triple loop learning
• can support immersive learning
• employs observation as part of routine team and system working
• provides a surprisingly efficient way of re-designing work in complex settings
We lead Masters level observation seminars for health and social care professionals in order to develop their practice through better understanding of unconscious dynamics in their work setting.
Clients for facilitating reflective practice include: Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust, The Health Foundation, NHSIQ, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, North Bristol NHS Trust, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, North East Transformation System, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Airedale NHS Foundation Trust, General Motors (South America), Mandalah Global.