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Strategy & purpose

Real, deep work on strategy, the working together on strategy, rather than the ‘writing-of-a-plan’ as strategy: that is what we try to do. In our experience strategic agreement is often nominal or superficial – not enough time is spent getting to know the different points of view and positions. This compromises the capacity to take risks. Our work on strategy often involves

  • facilitating a process of immersion in the issues
  • bringing all points of view and the whole system into the process of strategising
  • noticing the emergence of patterns and common ground
  • holding back from premature agreement

Clients for strategy & purpose development include: Focus (a charity for the sight impaired); Solihull Strategic Partnership; GIZ (Germany); Neighbourhood Renewal Unit; neighbourhood partnerships in Islington, Lambeth, Hackney, Coventry, Birmingham, Manchester, Gloucester, Nottinghamshire.

Real, deep work on strategy, the working together on strategy, rather than the ‘writing-of-a-plan’ as strategy: that is what we try to do. In our experience strategic agreement is often nominal or superficial – not enough time is spent getting to know the different points of view and positions. This compromises the capacity to take risks. Our work on strategy often involves

  • facilitating a process of immersion in the issues
  • bringing all points of view and the whole system into the process of strategising
  • noticing the emergence of patterns and common ground
  • holding back from premature agreement

Clients for strategy & purpose development include: Focus (a charity for the sight impaired); Solihull Strategic Partnership; GIZ (Germany); Neighbourhood Renewal Unit; neighbourhood partnerships in Islington, Lambeth, Hackney, Coventry, Birmingham, Manchester, Gloucester, Nottinghamshire.